Resident Partners


Great neighborhoods have only one essential ingredient... great neighbors. In Broadmoor, we want only the best. Neighbors who are responsible and promote harmony and beauty in their community are invaluable to the economic and spiritual wellbeing of the entire area. We consider them partners in this work of revitalization.

The Broadmoor Revival pairs deserving, motivated neighbors with good quality houses for the expressed purpose of improving the liveability of the Broadmoor Community of north Jackson, MS. Prospective residents are screened for a long term commitment to the neighborhood and given a path to homeownership and long term wealth accumulation in exchange for being a consistent positive presence in our community. We call this effort Re-neighboring.

Resident PartnersTo become a Resident Partner in the community, applicants must first apply for tenancy in one of our Broadmoor Revival properties. Guidelines include wages equaling three times rent and a sound housing history. Once in the house, residents must demonstrate the ability to be an excellent community citizen in three ways. They must...

  1. Practice fiscal responsibility that includes the timely payment of rent and the ability to save.
  2. Promote harmony in the neighborhood by getting to know those around them, attending neighborhood meetings and keeping an attractive yard and home.
  3. Maintain their home as if it were their own.

Our Resident Partners automatically qualify for up to $5,000 in discounts towards the purchase of a Broadmoor Revival home, real estate technical assistance and, if available, financing for their personal residence or investment property.